- OR IS IT THIS – Ahhhhh!
Judith M.– Tyandaga Ward 1 resident (November 18th) - “last night’s meeting was exceptional. Congratulations to you for your organization. I expect we all felt like eco warriors being geared for battle. We were. Thank you so much for a very informative, useful evening.”
Gloria Reid – Burlington Green (November 17th) - "Congratulations on an extremely successful event last night. The increase in local support is very positive”
Gareth Williams tweeted (November 17th) - "Great meeting last night organized by @TECBurlington supported by @sarah_harmer @Ecogai & @PERLBurlington. This issue affects the entire community & is a huge opportunity to do something better. You can count on my support!"
Marianne Meed Ward, City of Burlington Councillor ( November 17) - " You all should be so proud. You achieved an amazing event last night, and I am proud to work side by side with you"
Marianne Workman to Tyandaga Environmental Coalition (November 17) - This plan: City of Burlington's Urban Forest Management Plan 2010-2030 seems to be tailor made to protect this wild space.
Phillip - This situation is a “no-win” for the mayor and councillor when they don’t show up and support the constituents–a recurrent theme both with Brant St. development and the New Street bike lanes. I wouldn’t want to be either the mayor or councillor in next year’s local elections. While local elections tend to be characterized with voter apathy, there is nothing like an energized, angry group of residents committed to change.
Lynn - Absolutely shameful that their own councillor, Rick Craven, doesn’t even attend this meeting! And the mayor refuses to help also. Another day and another example of a Burlington councillor and our mayor having no respect or regard for the people they represent. With an election coming soon you’d think they would at least pretend to care!
I hope the coalition succeeds and I will donate to the cause. When you take a few moments to read about the issue you see this is not a simple case of “well the residents should have known when they bought” or “well they have a licence”. It’s astounding that the mayor and councillor can’t see this and in fact refuse to even learn about it.
Terry - The fact that Mayor Goldring and Rick Craven were not at the TEC meeting was disappointing but not too surprising. When the quarry owners announced over 2 years ago that they were going to expand their operation to within 50 meters of the Tyandaga community the decision was vigorously defended by Goldring and Craven as a ‘done deal’ situation – signed, sealed and delivered by a license issued in 1972 (45 years ago!). Accordingly, they took the proverbial bowl of water and washed their hands of the whole matter preferring to point the finger elsewhere. It is difficult to understand how they could be so complacent and accepting about the annihilation of an estimated 9,000 – 10,000 trees for the creation of an URBAN quarry whilst politically planting seedlings in front of the ever-ready camera and spouting the benefits of a clean and green Burlington. It is difficult to understand their inaction with respect to the annihilation of the mature and lush ~35 acre forest that is the habitat to the many species (possibly endangered) that ‘call it home’. It is difficult to accept their lack of concern for the well being and health of the residents that could result from the noise and dust of the quarrying, concern that has been documented by many health professional experts!
For the leaders of our city to have such a DO-NOTHING attitude is totally contrary to their commitment as elected officials and, in my opinion, verges on contempt. THANK YOU TEC for your dedication in doggedly pursuing this potential devastation and bringing awareness to the wider Burlington community. You are now gathering momentum and support and it is time for the Burlington City Council to fulfill their obligation as ‘guardians’ of your rights and as rate-paying residents to become DIRECTLY involved in your cause!
Judith Murray - The TEC meeting November 16, 2017 on preserving the last vestiges of Carolinian forest in south west Ontario was filled with pertinent, excellent scientific information. When the Meridian agreement was put together in 1972 Burlington had 100,000 citizens. Add 84,000 to that number in 2017. Add scientific information, facts to the necessity of preserving this forest of 9,000 trees today when we fight to breathe clean air. We must reduce particulate dust, not increase it. Here’s the deal. To quote poet Maya Angelou, “When we know better, we DO better.” Well Meridian, we know better. Time to step up to the plate Meridian, Mayor, Counsellors, Premier Wynne, MPP, It is time to DO BETTER. Thank you.